With Caplaine,
set the course
for success!

Caplaine is a consulting firm specialised and expert in Supply Chain management based in DRC. Caplaine Consulting acts in tax matters (and non fiscal) and customs. It operates also as a trader and services and goods for consumption supplier adapted to your needs in the logistics sector. With an experience of around ten years in logistics sector with a very good knowledge of the customs regulations, It is accredited as:
Subcontractor in DR Congo
Through the No 3557479573 from the subcontracting regulation Authority in the private sector according to the No 17/001 of the 8th february 2017.
Pivate placement service
Through the decision No 056/2019 of the 18th may 2018 from the Labour National Office in accordance with the Ministerial decree No 47/CAB.VPM/METPS/2015/of the 8th october.
Professional training center in DRC
Through the Ministerial decree No 168/CAB/MINETAT/MTEPS issued by the Drc government.

I this consulting firm reliable?
You are the reason why we exist, your satisfaction matters first

Will it meet your needs?
We listen to you humbly to understand your expectations and sddress them efficiently. Hearing and efficiency are tools which characterise us.

Has it the ressources to accomplish the missions it talks about in the website?
We are organised and we perfectly master our activities through multidisciplinary experts.Our system of quality management is the cornerstone of our organisation.